Voices for Justice

Voices for Justice

Human Rights Watch Annual Dinner 2009
Honoring those who speak out where there is silence

Each year Human Rights Watch honors individuals who have put their lives and safety at risk in the name of defending human rights. Join us at the Voices for Justice annual dinner where we will honor these human rights defenders with The Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism, our highest award.

This year’s Voices for Justice annual dinners will be held in Houston, New York, Chicago, Hamburg, Paris, Munich, London, Toronto, Zurich, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Geneva, and San Francisco throughout November. We hope to see you there!

Tyranny is a government that makes most human rights activism illegal.

Daniel Bekele | Ethiopia


Tyranny is silencing journalists who expose corruption and persecution.

Elena Milashina | Russia


Bo Kyi
Tyranny is prison and torture for joining a peaceful demonstration.

Bo Kyi | Burma



Mathilde Muhindo

Tyranny is sexual violence against women and children.

Mathilde Muhindo | Democratic Republic of Congo



Learn more about the 2009 dinners and buy tickets online

Houston            November 3 
New York          November 5            
Chicago          November 9 
Hamburg           November 9 
Paris               November 10 
Munich          November 11 
London         November 12 
Toronto          November 13 
Zurich        November 13 
Santa Barbara  November 15 
Los Angeles      November 17 
Geneva         November 17 
San Francisco   November 19 


Meet the 2009 Defenders

Daniel Bekele

Elena Milashina

Bo Kyi

Mathilde Muhindo


Get Local: Learn more about Human Rights Watch events and activities
New York, Geneva, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, Paris, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Toronto, and Zurich.