October 25, 2017

Refugees and asylum seekers on Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Manus Island have suffered repeated violent attacks and robberies by locals, with inadequate hospital care on the island and no action by police.

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  • February 26, 2019 Video
    Taking advantage of the anonymity of the crowd, the Remo fans first booed them and then chanted demeaning lyrics about kissing and having sex with Paysandu women.
    Taking advantage of the anonymity of the crowd, the Remo fans first booed them and then chanted demeaning lyrics about kissing and having sex with Paysandu women.
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  • February 26, 2019 Video
    Taking advantage of the anonymity of the crowd, the Remo fans first booed them and then chanted demeaning lyrics about kissing and having sex with Paysandu women.
    Taking advantage of the anonymity of the crowd, the Remo fans first booed them and then chanted demeaning lyrics about kissing and having sex with Paysandu women.
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  • February 20, 2019 Video
    Security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo summarily killed at least 27 young men and boys and forcibly disappeared 7 others during an anti-crime campaign between May and September 2018. The campaign, known among the police as “Operation Likofi IV,” targeted alleged gang members in Congo’s capital, Kinshasa. 
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  • February 20, 2019 Video
    The Colombian government has named in key positions of the army multiple officers against whom there is credible evidence of involvement in extrajudicial executions and other abuses that are under investigation. 
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  • February 13, 2019 Video
    The ban in Turkey's capital Ankara on public events focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) issues discriminates against LGBTI people and violates their fundamental rights, and should therefore be immediately lifted.
    Hundreds of people gathered for the campus Pride March at Middle East Technical University on May 11, 2018.
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  • February 10, 2019 Video
    Human Rights Watch released a video on February 11, 2019 that shows government forces’ extreme violence and shocking abuses against protesters during weeks of largely peaceful protests across the country. The United Nations Human Rights Council should urgently respond to the human rights crisis in Sudan at its March session and ensure an independent investigation into the violations committed since the start of protests in December 2018
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  • February 6, 2019 Video
    The Polish government is attacking women’s rights activists and organizations, putting women’s rights and safety at risk. More than two years after the first Black Protests, when thousands took to the streets to protest efforts to further restrict access to abortion, the ruling Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS) party is targeting women’s rights activism through raids on groups’ offices, denial of funding, public smear campaigns, and disciplinary action.
    Women’s rights supporters at a demonstration for International Women’s Day in Krakow, Poland, on March 8, 2018. The center sign uses the slogan “No Woman, No Country.”
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