July 12, 2017

Brazil has not addressed longstanding human rights problems that allowed the Zika outbreak to escalate, leaving the population vulnerable to future outbreaks and other serious public health risks. 

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  • December 7, 2018 Video
    Turkey should formally submit a request to the UN secretary-general to establish an international, independent investigation into Saudi Arabia’s murder of Jamal Khashoggi. 
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  • December 6, 2018 Video
    Russian orphanages where children with disabilities grow up often transfer them to closed state institutions for adults when they reach 18 without their consent. Those who do move into the community often do not receive the support they need to live independently. 
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  • November 29, 2018 Video
    Older people who need to travel between the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine and government-controlled areas face arbitrary obstacles, including risks to their health and safety. 
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  • November 22, 2018 Video
    HRW's Steve Swerdlow and Andrew Stroehlein sum up the highs and lows of the first day of the human rights conference in Samarkand.
    HRW's Steve Swerdlow and Andrew Stroehlein sum up the highs and lows of the first day of the human rights conference in Samarkand.
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  • November 22, 2018 Video
    HRW's Steve Swerdlow and Philippe Dam are on the express train to Samarkand, where they look back at a long day of expert discussions on the decreasing use of forced labor in Uzbekistan's cotton fields.  
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  • November 22, 2018 Video
    HRW's Steve Swerdlow looks ahead to an international human rights conference in Samarkand, another indication of the more encouraging new direction the Uzbek government has been taking.
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