January 24, 2017

Widows in Zimbabwe are routinely evicted from their homes and land, and their property is stolen by in-laws when their husbands die.

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  • August 2, 2018 Video
    The government of president Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua is carrying out a brutal crackdown on protesters. Nearly 300 people have been killed and thousands injured. More international pressure is needed to end the bloodbath.
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  • July 26, 2018 Video
    Tunisian authorities should adopt legislation based on the groundbreaking proposals made by a presidentially appointed commission aimed at protecting individual freedoms and eliminating discrimination against women. 
    A Tunisian woman casts her vote at the 2014 presidential elections.
    video content
  • July 25, 2018 Video
    While the defeat of the Aderholt Amendment is a positive development, more work remains to be done. Currently, ten US states – Alabama, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia – have laws in place that are similar to the Aderholt Amendment.
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  • July 20, 2018 Video
    Of the 10 most widely used pesticides in Brazil in 2016, four are not authorized for use in Europe, indicating how hazardous other governments consider some of them.
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  • July 19, 2018 Video
    Government security forces and armed separatists have committed grave abuses against residents of Cameroon’s Anglophone region.
    A covered body on the outskirts of Belo, following early April clashes between security forces and armed separatists in the North-West region, April 2018.
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  • July 18, 2018 Video
    Greece is denying thousands of asylum-seeking children their right to an education because of a European Union-backed migration policy that traps them on the Aegean islands.
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  • July 17, 2018 Video
    A video from Human Rights Watch highlights ongoing abuses under the Australian government’s offshore processing and settlement policy.
    In this file photo made from Australia Broadcasting Corporation video taken on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017, shows asylum seekers protesting the possible closure of their detention center on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea.
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