October 20, 2016

Ground-breaking investigations and prosecutions are underway in some European countries against people accused of torture, beatings, and kidnappings in Syria and Iraq. These cases are made possible by the arrival in Europe of both victims and suspects in the context of the refugee crisis. 

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  • May 23, 2018 Video
    Thousands of children and adults with disabilities in Brazil are needlessly confined to institutions, where they may face neglect and abuse. Brazil should make it a priority to provide support for people with disabilities to live independently and in their communities, rather than in institutions. 
    video content
  • May 22, 2018 Video
    The Egyptian army has vastly expanded widespread destruction of homes, commercial buildings, and farms in the North Sinai governorate since February 9, 2018, as part of its military campaign against an affiliate of the Islamic State group there.   
    Satellite image showing demolition in Sinai, Egypt.
    video content
  • May 22, 2018 Video
    This is no time to obscure the plight of Syrians. World leaders should abstain from attending the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Moscow, on June 14, 2018, unless the Kremlin takes meaningful steps to protect Syrians from chemical and conventional attacks.
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  • May 16, 2018 Video
    Israeli authorities on May 7, 2018, revoked the work permit for Omar Shakir, the Human Rights Watch Israel and Palestine director, and ordered him to leave Israel within 14 days. The government said it was because of Shakir’s alleged support for boycotts of Israel. 
    CBS headline that reads "Human Rights Watch director says Israel booting him to 'muzzle dissent'."
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  • May 15, 2018 Video
     A paramilitary unit controlled by then-Gambian president Yahya Jammeh summarily executed more than 50 Ghanaian, Nigerian, and other West African migrants in July 2005.
    Massacre survivor Martin Kyere at Accra cemetery where six bodies were returned from Gambia.
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  • May 13, 2018 Video
    Chinese officials, since early 2018, have imposed regular “home stays” on families in the predominantly Muslim region of Xinjiang. These visits are part of the government’s increasingly invasive “Strike Hard” campaign in the region, home to 11 million Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities.
    Chinese officials visit a Muslim family.
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  • May 10, 2018 Video
    Deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on schools and universities, their students, and staff have become more widespread over the last five years, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) said in the 2018 edition of its flagship report, released today. 
    video content
  • May 7, 2018 Video
    Increased insurgent attacks on civilians in Afghanistan have left victims’ families and survivors in dire need of financial, medical, and psychosocial support. The Afghan government should ensure programs to assist victims of attacks by the Taliban and Islamic State-linked armed groups reach those in need.
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