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  • March 8, 2017 Video
    Brazilian authorities should reform laws that have been used to impose disproportionate punishments on military police officers who speak out publicly to advocate reform or voice complaints. Brazil’s 436,000 military police officers patrol the country’s streets, a purely civilian task, but are subject to military law because they are technically considered to be auxiliary forces of the Army. Brazil’s military criminal code and various state disciplinary codes include broad restrictions on the officers’ free speech rights.
    Military police riot control the protest against Brazil's President Michel Temer in São Paulo, Brazil. September 4, 2016
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  • March 3, 2017 Video
    Two years of living under ISIS and then caught in the middle of a raging battle. This is what life has been like for hundreds of thousands of civilians in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city.
    destroyed car in Mosul
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  • February 28, 2017 Video
    On his first full day in office, US President Donald Trump issued an expanded “Global Gag Rule,” or “Mexico City Policy,” which strips foreign nongovernmental organizations of all US health funding if they use funds from any source to offer information about abortions, provide abortions, or advocate liberalizing abortion laws.
    Women and girls wait with their children outside a doctor’s office in Chitwan, Nepal.
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