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  • November 2, 2016 Video
    Officials regularly charge villagers with criminal trespass if they refuse to leave land, and in one case, police torched a village. Militia commanders have also used threats, force, and arbitrary arrests to intimidate farmers and take land, particularly in areas still contested by ethnic Karen armed groups.
    Workers build a water catchment area behind a governmentconstructed irrigation dam that flooded land belonging to Aung Thay and other villagers from Karen State. To date, the government has not paid compensation to the villagers who lost land.
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  • November 2, 2016 Video
    The Egyptian authorities should stop imposing travel bans to prevent human rights defenders from leaving the country and speaking out about Egypt’s appalling human rights record.  
    Still from video about travel bans in Egypt
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  • November 2, 2016 Video
    The Gambian government’s repression of the political opposition in the months prior to the  December 1, 2016 presidential election threatens the fairness of the election.
    Fatoumatta Sandeng, whose father Solo Sandeng died in Gambian state custody on April 15, 2016, reflects on her father’s legacy while in exile with her mother and nine siblings.
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  • November 1, 2016 Video
    Gulf states are intimidating, surveilling, imprisoning, and silencing activists as part of their all-out assault on peaceful criticism, but they are seriously mistaken if they think they can indefinitely block gulf citizens from using social and other media to push for positive reforms.
    Video: 140 Characters Denied Freedom of Speech in the Gulf
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  • October 20, 2016 Video
    Ground-breaking investigations and prosecutions are underway in some European countries against people accused of torture, beatings, and kidnappings in Syria and Iraq. These cases are made possible by the arrival in Europe of both victims and suspects in the context of the refugee crisis. 
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