Stephen Goose
Stephen Goose is the arms campaigns director of the Crisis, Conflict, and Arms Division at Human Rights Watch. From 2002 until April 2024, he served as the executive director of the former Arms Division at Human Rights Watch, playing an instrumental role in bringing about the 1997 treaty banning antipersonnel mines. Human Rights Watch co-founded the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), which received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize. Steve served as ICBL chair from 1997 to 2024 and created the ICBL’s Landmine Monitor reporting initiative.
Steve was centrally involved in the adoption of the 1995 protocol banning blinding lasers, the 2003 protocol requiring clean-up of explosive remnants of war, the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, and the 2022 Political Declaration on the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas. Steve and Human Rights Watch co-founded the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots in 2012. Before joining Human Rights Watch in 1993, Steve was a US congressional staffer and a researcher at the Center for Defense Information. He has a master’s degree in international relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a B.A. in history from Vanderbilt University.
Articles Authored
November 21, 2022
January 5, 2017
The Growing International Movement Against Killer Robots
November 24, 2015
The Case for Banning Killer Robots
January 26, 2015
Deadly Cargo
December 30, 2014
Deadly cargo: explosive weapons in populated areas
August 8, 2014
Saving Life And Limb From Cluster Munitions
November 20, 2012
The Future of Global Warfare: Killer Robots
June 8, 2012
White phosphorous: the new napalm?
November 15, 2011
The United States Aims Low on Cluster Munitions