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Last updated Tuesday April 30, 2002

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Russian Federation / Chechnya: Renewed Catastrophe  (April 12, 2002)

Afghanistan: Human Rights Watch Key Documents  (April 12, 2002)

Crisis in Colombia (February 26, 2002)

September 11 Attacks: Crimes Against Humanity

The Aftermath
 (March 25, 2002)

Accountability and Transition in the Balkans  (April 25 25, 2002)
Saudi Arabia: Unveil the Justice System
(New York, April 30, 2002) Saudi Arabia should open up its highly secretive justice system and end practices that deny fundamental due-process rights to criminal suspects, Human Rights Watch said today. Prolonged solitary confinement, confessions, and secret trials are regular features of the Saudi justice system.
India: Gujarat Officials Took Part in Anti-Muslim Violence
(New York, April 30, 2002) - State officials of Gujarat, India were directly involved in the killings of hundreds of Muslims since February 27 and are now engineering a massive cover-up of the state's role in the violence, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.
Hu Jintao Visit: No Progress on Human Rights in China
(Washington, April 29, 2002) U.S. President George W. Bush and Congressional leaders should press for concrete steps to improve human rights when they meet with Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao this week, Human Rights Watch said today, pointing out the lack of any progress on human rights since Bush's visit to China in February. Hu Jintao, the likely successor to President Jiang Zemin, will pay his first visit to Washington on Wednesday, May 1.
U.N.: New Human Rights Members Won't Solve Crisis
(New York, April 29, 2002) - The election of new members to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights will likely deepen the crisis in which that body finds itself, Human Rights Watch said today.
Panama: Prosecution of Past Abuses Needed
(Washington, DC, April 26, 2002) Human Rights Watch today welcomed the release of a Panamanian Truth Commission report describing killings and "disappearances" committed under past military regimes. In a letter to President Mireya Moscoso of Panama, Human Rights Watch urged her to ensure that the perpetrators of the crimes documented by the commission are brought to justice.
United Nations: Rights Commission Shields Abusers
(Geneva, April 26, 2002) Decisive action is needed to break the grip of abusive governments on the United Nations' leading body for human rights, Human Rights Watch warned as the Commission on Human Rights concluded its annual meeting in Geneva.
Leading Liberian Rights Lawyer Tortured by Police
(New York, April 26, 2002) One of Liberia’s most prominent human rights lawyers, Tiawan Gongloe, has been brutalized in police custody and is hospitalized as a result, Human Rights Watch said today. Police guards remain near his hospital bed, and the police director has announced that Mr. Gongloe remains in police custody without charge pending an investigation.
Cuba: Beating and Incarceration of Human Rights Activists Condemned
(New York, April 25, 2002) The Cuban authorities should release a group of human rights activists and independent journalists who were arbitrarily detained by police in March, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to President Fidel Castro.
Yugoslavia: Progress on War Crimes Welcomed
(New York, April 25, 2002)-- The authorities in Belgrade must continue cooperating with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia by providing access to documents and witnesses, Human Rights Watch said today.
Ecuador: Widespread Labor Abuse on Banana Plantations  Español
(New York, April 25, 2002) Banana workers in Ecuador are the victims of serious human rights abuses, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.
Israel: Decision to Block U.N. Inquiry Condemned
(Geneva, April 24, 2002) Human Rights Watch today strongly criticized Israel's decision to suspend cooperation with the United Nations fact-finding mission to the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin. The mission had been endorsed by the U.N. Security Council.
Kenya: Refugee children murdered at "secure residence" in Nairobi
(Nairobi, April 23, 2002) The murder on April 17 of two Rwandan refugee children in Nairobi, Kenya, shows the need for the Kenyan government to provide effective protection to refugees at risk in Nairobi, said Human Rights Watch today.
Vietnam's Repression of Montagnards
(New York, April 23, 2002) Vietnam should cease its persecution of indigenous Montagnards in the Central Highlands, and Cambodia should continue to offer sanctuary to those fleeing across the border, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today.
Iran: U.N. Fails to Condemn Rights Abuses
(Geneva, April 22, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today expressed deep regret at the decision of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights not to renew the mandate of the Special Representative on Human Rights in Iran.
Venezuela — Authorities Must Protect Human Rights Defenders
(New York, April 19, 2002) — Human Rights Watch wrote a letter to President Hugo Chávez Frías, expressing grave concern for the safety of human rights defenders in Venezuela and calling upon him to take immediate measures to ensure the safety of a human rights advocate who received threats yesterday.
U.N.: Many Countries Escape Censure
(Geneva, April 19, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch sounded an urgent alarm at today's votes by the world's highest human rights body, which chose one by one to ignore severe human rights violations in several countries on its agenda, such as Russia/Chechnya, Zimbabwe, and Equatorial Guinea.
Russia: U.N. Chechnya Vote Assailed
(Geneva, April 19, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today expressed disappointment at the failure of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to adopt a resolution on Chechnya.
Nigeria: President Ignoring Gravity of Military Massacre
(New York, April 19, 2002) President Olusegun Obasanjo is still failing to acknowledge the gravity of a massacre in which more than 200 civilians were killed by the military in Benue in October 2001, Human Rights Watch said today.
Euro-Med Partners Should Address Migrant Rights   Français
(Brussels, April 18, 2002) Human Rights Watch has appealed to foreign ministers of twenty-seven European, North African, and Middle Eastern states meeting next week to heighten attention paid to the treatment of migrants in Europe.
Algeria: Punish Abusive Police
(Brussels, April 18, 2002) Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika should follow through on his promises to punish police who killed and beat residents of the Kabylie region during the past year, Human Rights Watch urged in a letter to the president released today.
Israel: Don't Coerce Civilians to Do Army's Work
(Jerusalem, April 18, 2002) The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) routinely compel civilians to assist in its military operations, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.  (Also availabe in Français  Hebrew  Arabic )

U.S.: Illinois Commission Highlights Death Penalty's Inherent Flaws
(New York, April 17, 2001) Human Rights Watch welcomed the unanimous conclusion of the bi-partisan commission, appointed by Governor George H. Ryan to examine the administration of the death penalty in Illinois, that no system of criminal justice can guarantee absolutely that innocent persons will not be sentenced to death.
Loya Jirga Process is Launched in Afghanistan  Q & A
(April 17, 2002) On April 15, Afghanistan began the process of choosing its next government. Over the next few weeks, Afghans across the country will take part in meetings and elections culminating in mid-June with the convening of a consultative body known as the loya jirga.
Venezuela: Investigate Killings of Demonstrators
(New York, April 16, 2002) The Venezuelan authorities should immediately conduct a thorough and impartial investigation to determine who is responsible for the killings and other serious human rights abuses committed during the recent political unrest, Human Rights Watch said today.
Israel: Allow Access to Jenin Camp
(Jerusalem, April 15, 2002) The Israeli government should immediately allow humanitarian and human rights organizations and journalists unfettered access to Jenin refugee camp, Human Rights Watch urged today. Camp inhabitants remain under curfew without access to food, water, and medical supplies.
Russia: Chechen "Disappearances" Continue
(Geneva, April 15, 2002) Persons in Chechnya continue to "disappear" in the custody of Russian forces, Human Rights Watch charged today. Days after the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in Geneva introduced a resolution on the situation in Chechnya, Human Rights Watch released a new 49-page report, Last Seen…: Continued "Disappearances" in Chechnya, detailing 87 cases of "disappearances" carried out between September 2000 and January 2002.
Colombia: FARC Kidnappings Documented
(New York, April 15, 2002) The main rebel group in Colombia should release immediately and unconditionally all persons they currently hold hostage, including political leaders, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch wrote to FARC-EP leader, Manuel Marulanda, documenting the recent escalation in political kidnappings and calling for an immediate end to targeting political leaders.
U.N. Gives Georgia One Year to Improve Treatment of Prisoners
(New York, April 13, 2002) Human Rights Watch today welcomed the U.N. Human Rights Committee's new recommendations for improving Georgia's treatment of detainees and prisoners. The Committee cited Georgia's prisons for having a high death rate, poor and unhealthy living conditions, and widespread police torture and arbitrary detention.
Restore Rule of Law, Protect Rights in Venezuela
(New York, April 12, 2002) The situation created by the ouster of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Frías threatens human rights and the rule of law, Human Rights Watch said today.
Yugoslavia: Cooperation Law Inadequate
(New York, April 12, 2002) Yugoslavia's commitments to cooperate with The Hague war crimes tribunal are not fulfilled by a new law on cooperation, Human Rights Watch said today.
International Criminal Court a Reality  Français  Español
(New York, April 11, 2002) Human Rights Watch today hailed the 60th ratification of the International Criminal Court (ICC) treaty. At United Nations headquarters in New York, governments supporting the rule of law welcomed the establishment of the first permanent international tribunal to try those accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
China: United Nations Fails to Act
(Geneva, April 10, 2002) China will escape scrutiny of its human rights record at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights precisely at a time when abuses are increasing, Human Rights Watch said today.
Russia: Investigate Sexual Violence by Troops in Chechnya
(New York, April 10, 2002) -- Russian forces have raped and sexually assaulted women during winter operations in Chechnya, Human Rights Watch charged today. in French
Tanzania: Zanzibar Election Massacres Documented
(New York, April 10, 2002) -- Tanzanian security forces committed gross abuses, killing at least thirty-five people and wounding more than 600 others, when they ruthlessly suppressed opposition demonstrations in Zanzibar more than one year ago, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.
Ethnic Attacks in Afghanistan
(New York, April 9, 2002) -- Targeted violence and looting by ethnic militias has uprooted Pashtun communities across northern Afghanistan, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released todayin French

Crackdown On Democracy Advocates In Syria
(New York, April 6, 2002) Human Rights Watch today condemned the harsh prison sentence handed down this week against Riad al-Seif, a 55-year-old independent parliamentarian. He was the second elected member of Syria's parliament in less than a month to get a five-year prison term for advocating democratic change.
Saudi Arabia: Right of Peaceful Assembly Denied
(New York, April 5, 2002) In a fresh reminder of its poor human rights record, the government of Saudi Arabia has reiterated that public demonstrations are not permitted in the kingdom under any circumstances.
Cambodia/Vietnam: Montagnard Asylum Rights Threatened
(New York, April 4, 2092) Human Rights Watch today expressed strong concern about Cambodia's announcement that it will close down two refugee camps and cease protecting and providing temporary asylum for indigenous Montagnard refugees from Vietnam.
Dominican Republic: Deportations Conducted Unfairly  Español
(Santo Domingo, April 4, 2002) The Dominican Republic should revise its deportation policies to ensure due process and to avoid race-based discrimination, Human Rights Watch urged in a new report released today. Human Rights Watch also called on the government to protect Dominicans of Haitian descent from deportation, consistent with the constitution's rule of citizenship by birth.
Israel/Palestinian Authority: Protect Civilians, Allow Independent Reporting
(New York, April 3, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch is alarmed that ordinary civilians are increasingly the main victims of intensified conflict in Israel and the Occupied Territories. The organization reminds all parties that even in times of armed conflict, they are obliged to respect international humanitarian law, especially the principle of civilian immunity.
Tunisia: Release Activists Sentenced on Political Charges
(Washington, April 2, 2002) Human Rights Watch today urged Tunisian authorities to immediately release from prison Hamma Hammami, spokesperson of the Tunisian Communist Workers party, and party members Abdeljabbar Maddouri and Samir Taâmallah.
Spain: Don't Ignore Russian Abuses in Chechnya Español  Français
(Geneva, April 2, 2002) Spanish officials should have serious discussions with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ivanov about Russian abuses in Chechnya, Human Rights Watch urged on the eve of Ivanov's visit to Madrid.
Nigeria: Military Massacres Unpunished
(New York, April 1, 2002) -- The Nigerian government has so far failed to conduct any investigation or prosecution into the massacre of more than two hundred unarmed civilians by the Nigerian army in Benue State in October 2001, Human Rights Watch charged in a report published today.
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