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March 11, 1991 Report
Where Are They Now? The Kurds and Kurdistan Two Decades of Persecution by the Saddam Hussein Regime Chemical Bombings Halabja Subsequent Chemical Gas and Conventional Attacks Turkey's Government Under Pressure The Kurdish Refugees'…
March 1, 1991 Report
The report details a range of human rights violations against the academic community, defined as persons teaching, studying, researching and working at an institution of higher learning.
March 1, 1991 Report
Mexico’s prison system is characterized by massive overcrowding, deteriorating physical facilities, poorly trained and vastly underpaid guards and other prison officials, system-wide corruption, and, most fundamentally, lack of money. One positive feature…
February 27, 1991 News

Case Belies Israel's Claim Palestinian Journalists Arrested Only for Underground Activities

Middle East Watch today called on Israeli military authorities to release immediately journalist Taher Shriteh, whom they have held in investigative detention since January 28 without filing charges against him.   …
February 25, 1991 Report
January 27, 1991 News

Most Palestinians Still Unprotected from Iraqi Missile Attack, Despite Israeli Court Ruling

On January 18, Middle East Watch condemned Iraq's Scud missiles attacks on Tel Aviv. By firing indiscriminately into heavily populated areas in Israel and later in Saudi Arabia, Iraq has blatantly violated one of the fundamental tenets of the laws of war…
January 7, 1991 News

Testimony of Andrew Whitley, Middle East Watch Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Testimony of Andrew Whitley, Middle East Watch Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee January 8, 1991
January 2, 1991 News
Middle East Watch is concerned that the Egyptian government is using its emergency law and other measures to stifle emerging domestic dissent against the Gulf War. In a letter to President Hosni Mubarak dated February 11, Middle East Watch said that a…
December 27, 1990 Report
Since mid-1989, the special region of Aceh on the northern tip of Sumatra has been the site of massive human rights violations. The abuses have been sparked by actions of an armed opposition group, the Acheh/Sumatra National Liberation Front, more…
December 1, 1990 Report
Shortly after Nicolar Ceauscu was overthrown on December 22, 1989, the world was exposed for the first time to the shocking images of Romania's orphans, expecially its handicapped children and babies with AIDS. These children, numbering over 100,000, live…
November 15, 1990 Report
The November 29 election is taking place in the shadow of the continuing crisis in the Persian Gulf, and in the context of major economic, social and political problems in Egypt. Even prior to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the Egyptian economy was suffering…

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