November 25, 2015
Child marriage in Africa often ends a girl’s education, exposes her to domestic violence and grave health risks from early childbearing and HIV, and traps her in poverty.

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  • October 4, 2017 Video
    Armed groups are using rape in a brutal, calculated way to punish and terrorize women and girls. Every day, survivors live with the devastating aftermath of rape, and the knowledge that their attackers are walking free, perhaps holding positions of power, and to date facing no consequences whatsoever.
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  • October 4, 2017 Video
    New York State took an important step toward ending child marriage, as Governor Andrew Cuomo on June 20, 2017 signed legislation to dramatically reduce the circumstances under which children can marry.
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  • October 3, 2017 Video
    Efforts to bring those responsible for atrocities in Syria before European courts are starting to bear fruit, notably in Swedish and German courts. While various authorities in Europe have opened investigations of serious international crimes committed in Syria, Sweden and Germany are the first two countries that have prosecuted and convicted people for these crimes.
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  • September 25, 2017 Video
    Two aerial attacks near Raqqa, Syria in March killed at least 84 civilians, including 30 children, and raise concerns that US-led coalition forces fighting the extremist armed group Islamic State (also known as ISIS) did not take adequate precautions to minimize civilian casualties.
    Destroyed market in Tabqa, Syria, after a US-led coalition airstrike.
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  • September 14, 2017 Video
    Can you imagine having to weather a hurricane with little to no shelter? That was what 50 asylum seekers were up against. Sister Denise opened her doors to families in need.
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