Acting Ambassador/First Secretary
Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Japan
Your Excellency,
We, the citizens of Japan, deeply regret that a large number of Syrian citizens have been victimized in the recent conflict that has been escalating since March 2011. We hope the conflict to end promptly without further sacrifice in our friendly nation of Syria.
We are especially concerned with the use of weapons such as cluster bombs for their horrific consequences; a certain percentage of those weapons fail to explode on impact and will remain as great threats once war is over - Such explosive remnants of war will pose serious danger not only to the civilians but also to the environments.
Unnecessary turmoil even after ceasefire will hinder reconstruction. In particular, many young children are expected to fall victim, who are the hope and future of the country.
The media and humanitarian organization have reported us that the Soviet cluster bombs were used by the Syrian Army last October, and the surface-launched cluster bombs in January 2013.
We condemn the use of cluster bombs, such inhumane weapon, in the land of Syria and demand that it should never be used. We call for Syrian Government to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions and reiterate to end for all time the unacceptable harm to innocent civilians caused by cluster bombs.
Sincerely yours
Yasuhiro Kitagawa
Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines
Organization in support;
ayus:Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation
Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
Green Action Saitama
Japan Volunteer Center
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International Japan