
Health Impacts of Deforestation-Related Fires in the Brazilian Amazon

The 50-page report, “The Air is Unbearable: Health Impacts of Deforestation-Related Fires in the Brazilian Amazon,” uses official health and environmental data to estimate that 2,195 hospitalizations due to respiratory illness are attributable to the 2019 fires. Nearly 500 involved infants under a year old, and more than 1,000 involved people over age 60. These hospitalizations represent only a fraction of the total health impact from fires, as millions of people were exposed in 2019 to harmful levels of air pollution resulting from the deforestation-related burning of the Amazon.

The city of Porto Velho, in the western Amazon state of Rondônia, awakes under a dense blanket of smoke at 7 a.m. on August 12, 2019. Rondônia was the state with the fourth most deforestation in the Amazon region in 2019.


  • September 17, 2019

    How Violence and Impunity Fuel Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon

    This report documents how illegal logging by criminal networks and resulting forest fires are connected to acts of violence and intimidation against forest defenders and the state’s failure to investigate and prosecute these crimes. 

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